THREE SCALES IN THREE SONGS (and the improvisations to go with them)
This workshop assumes that participants are already accomplished ukulele players, preferable ukulele teachers.
Each song teaches a different pentatonic scale, the building blocks of people learning to improvise. The enjoyment of learning and playing the riff or melody cements the fingers and ears into understanding and repeating each scale.
The iconic riff from My Girl is the purely the major pentatonic. But how can you use it for improvisation? (Answer – ice cream chords).
The minor pentatonic is cemented by the lovely lovely Sonny Moon for Two. Pure joy, pure pentatonic.
Sunshine of Your Love uses the ingredients of blues scale (one extra note added to the minor pentatonic) to bring back the Cream classic into your repertoire. Where do you use the blues scale? I refuse to answer that on the grounds of obviousness.
The outcomes of these workshops can go on for months.
All the scales you need – C and D scale for this workshop.
My Girl forms the basis for learning and practising the Major Pentatonic Scale in open and closed positions.
SonnyMoon For Two
The Building Blocks of Blues Improvisation: Sunshine of Your Love
Sunshine Of Your Love lyrics/chords
Crescent City Blues (from whence Folsom Prison Blues was ‘borrowed’)
Circle of fifths – Woolly Mammoth
Chromatic Scale – Kauai Rainbow