Want to know the theory, technique and shortcuts to improvising on the ukulele?
Or you do you just want the shortcuts?
Improv 1 currently doesn’t have enough people to run. If you’re interested please fill out the expression of interest form on the previous page.
This is a FIXED course over four consecutive weeks using Zoom. Each session is 1.5 hours, and will be offered to only 16 people so as to increase your learning and personal feedback opportunities.
This Improv Course is for folks that are new to improvisation. NO previous course or music theory is required.
- We learn and review your important scales – the major scale, the pentatonics, and the blues.
- We will help you apply these new found scales.
- Jamming. We’ll play a bunch of songs across different genres to see what we can apply to make them feel better.
- We’ll practice, and review feel. You get a chance to improve your improvising in the privacy of your own home!
- We will provide some backing tracks so you can practice at home.
- All sessions are online using Zoom.
- A private Facebook allows you to submit homework for peer and teacher review.
- All sessions will have breakout rooms lead by informed, skilled and grounded teachers for finer grained assistance.
Who are the Teachers?
Mark Jackson and Jane Jelbart, from The Sum of the Parts (music), are well know at ukulele and folk clubs and festivals in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA and other places. They have also published two books on their teaching method and business model. They have a rare combination of skills, sensitivity, planning and personality to deliver an entertaining and educationally fruitful workshop. John Darbon Wallace will also be assisting with this course.
What do you need?
- An ukulele. Baritone ukes are ok (if you know what you are doing) but you must have a capo available.
- Knowing the names of your strings and some notes on the fretboard is required. This is not for absolute beginners.
- Minimal knowledge + tenacious and curious attitude + fingers that can = acceptable. Please be ready to give things a go.
- A printer or a separate ipad or device to view your music.
- Headphones are preferable, or good speakers.
- Standard microphone on your device or computer is ok.
- A separate device (like a phone) to record your solos and to repost them.
If we have enough interest it will start in September 2021
The cost for four weeks is $120. You will receive a confirmation email with bank deposit details.