How much does it cost to attend a ukestra, zookestra or choir?
How much it costs depends upon where and when you are attending. Prices detailed below are current as at 1 May 2022.
Beginners Ukulele Workshop – $35
Newcastle Permanent Building Society
Account name: Mark Jackson and Jane Jelbart
BSB 650-000
Account number: 508395701
Reference: Your name
Amount: Depends upon what you are attending. $20 for a casual ukestra or choir visit. $155 for a uketen. $35 for a beginners
Preferably pay by Osko (if your bank has it) – it is almost immediately visible to us.
Casual pay cash on the day for a ukestra – $20 (not the beginners workshop).
Not many people do it this way, but it suits interstate visitors and first timers, and those who just like paying cash.
It’s $20 to attend any of our two hour ukestra or choir sessions.
To save money and time, you can purchase attendances in blocks of ten. We call them a ‘uketen’.
A uketen costs $155. This works out at $15.50 per session, although you already knew that.
When you attend a ukestra session, your attendance is recorded and the amount of that attendance is deducted from your balance. A uketen provides a significant discount on the casual rate, and you don’t have to worry about having cash available each week.
Uketen conditions
- This is for ten sessions, which has to be used within one year from the date of purchase.
- This can be used by other people nominated by you, by prior arrangement with us.
- We send you a fresh tax invoice when you have two credits remaining. This is NOT a demand for payment, just a polite and easy reminder that you have nearly used up your Uketen.
- If you can no longer attend any of the Ukestra sessions and request a refund of your remaining balance, there will be a $25.00 processing fee. The attendances you have already made will be charged at the current casual rate.
How Do I Pay?
For users of Australian banks, here are our details for Direct Deposit.
Newcastle Permanent Building Society
Account name: Mark Jackson and Jane Jelbart
BSB 650-000
Account number: 508395701
Reference: Your name
Amount: Depends upon what you are attending. $20 for a casual ukestra or choir visit. $155 for a uketen. $35 for a beginners
Preferably pay by Osko (if your bank has it) – it is almost immediately visible to us.
Go here for our International Payments page (by credit card with Stripe)
Return to Locations and Times of ukestras.
Return to the Welcome to Ukestra page (effectively our terms and conditions).
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